inclusive school
Future-proof campus with inclusion as a fundamental principle.

Design and feasibility analysis for a PPP school construction.
The public education organization GO! was looking for a vision of the future for its campus in Sint-Pieters-Woluwe (Belgium). In co-creation with the various educational directors, we formulated the long-term goal as an inclusive school campus in a safe, green environment that is also useful to the pedagogical project. Inclusion as a fundamental principle translates, among other things, into attention to the vulnerability of some target groups (e.g. preschoolers and primary versus secondary school and adults), tailoring to special educational needs (e.g. autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability and motor disability), and ensuring that foreign-speaking newcomers (OKAN) become an integral part of the school. In addition, we helped shape the campus organization with a focus on innovative teaching through, among other things, the correct configuration of instruction spaces, multi-purpose spaces, distribution spaces and outdoor classrooms. Finally, we also designed a concept for the school environment that, based on a historic neighborhood road, connects the GO! campus with the adjacent Mater Dei school. By extending this upgraded area into the schools, we create a community school environment with high-quality public space and all kinds of recreational opportunities.