Discover how we can make a difference together for people and nature.
Future-proof campus with inclusion as a fundamental principle.
Old hospital turned into an urban redevelopment project.
School campus brings new life to the station area.
Using road infrastructure works for green area development.
Compact and green living, in the middle of the city.
New, green city district with a view of the sea.
Renewed urbanity with diverse identities and valuable nature.
From an old police station to two village squares with a recreational program.
Small climate garden scaled up to a green and adaptable campus.
Flexible rules for innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship.
Connecting two municipal sites into a lively core.
From large-scale livestock farming to future-proof alternatives.
Heritage as a keystone for open space.
New primary school with shared sports infrastructure.
From a monotonous land development to a diverse project with a neighborhood park.
Former social welfare building as a green gateway to the center.
Square tailored to the neighborhood.