landscape park Diegem
Using road infrastructure works for green area development.

Participation, design of a master plan and coalition formation for the development of a landscape park.
The municipality of Machelen (Belgium) was looking for an attractive vision of the future for the area around the Oude Woluwelaan in Diegem. This area will undergo drastic changes due to the infrastructure works on the Brussels Ring Road. In co-creation with the local government, we formulated an initial long-term vision for a large public park with recreational opportunities, space for nature and water, connecting the existing village centers with attractive pedestrian and cycling networks, improving the quality of housing, and the redevelopment of an important industrial zone. We then opened up this preliminary vision to citizens, schools, companies and other actors through participation. This not only provided us with additional insights into local needs, we also laid the foundation for coalitions for the implementation of various parts of the final master plan. Finally, we provided co-creative workshops for several strategic sub-projects in which we removed the technical, legal and financial obstacles and accelerated the implementation process.
Partners: Plusoffice Architecten