Ecological and social regeneration through participation, knowledge integration and transparent profit distribution.

Our society has exceeded its ecological and social limits to such an extent that ‘sustainability’ falls short. We no longer have the luxury of striving for less negative impact, but the obligation of creating positive impact. We urgently need to take up less space and restore ecosystems. How we design and develop this space not only determines our water, energy and material use, but also who can live, work or relax there. And who sits at the table to make these decisions says a lot about our democracy. Our use of space is therefore a unique key to the transition of our society.

We see it as our duty to strive for maximum ecological and social added value in every urban transformation. That starts with listening carefully to the local community. That is why we ask the right questions first instead of immediately designing inadequate solutions. We then make the shared ambitions feasible by integrating technical, legal and financial knowledge. Finally, we connect landowners, governments and other partners in a targeted development process based on a transparent urban business plan while monitoring the impact objectives.

Program first, design afterwards.

A ‘qualitative design’ is often reduced to form or aesthetics. Wij first investigate a qualitative program. That means searching for the right functions, relationships and actions to achieve the impact objectives. Only when these requirements are sharply defined, we search for a design that meets them.

Coalition instead of competition.

To achieve their goal, traditional market players keep important information at hand, just like at a poker table. As a result, important ecological and social opportunities are missed. We turn the rules of the game around. With a transparent urban business plan, we put all the cards on the table and look for coalitions.

Multiple clients, a single assignment.

We work together with architects, governments and various other public and private initiators. We provide a tailor-made process for every client. But who exactly appoints us is less important. We always strive for maximum ecological and social added value in a transparent project approach. Without this mandate we do not get started.

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