vibrant Zolder

Connecting two municipal sites into a lively core.



Participation, design, feasibility analysis and tendering procedure for a strategic project with public real estate.

The local government of Heusden-Zolder (Belgium) wanted to breathe new life into the center of the Zolder village through the conversion of a centrally located former school building. At the same time, additional infrastructure for municipal services had to be created. Because we cannot optimize a site without first understanding the context, we immediately developed a broader area vision. For example, we helped convert a public parking lot into a green village square with high-quality public space. Our financial research also showed that a second municipal site was necessary to make the various social ambitions feasible. After participation with citizens, both sites were ultimately integrated into a preferred scenario with a diverse range of housing, including social rental housing, retail space and a new square wall in high-quality architecture with space for several bars or restaurants. Based on a dossier with clear requirements and examples of identity and aesthetic values, this program was then placed on the market through a tendering procedure with negotiations. In this step-by-step process, we also supported the local government in choosing between and adjusting the submitted development proposals.

Partners: OYO Architects, Stadim, Rasschaert Advocaten